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 3al Bal Foul Falafel Homous
From ancient Jaffa, a traditional flavorsome dish was brought to the Arabic world, that delicious juicy dish is foul. Ever Since that dish was prepared in Jaffa, the group who provided and presented this dish noticed that whoever tries this dish truly like it, and because of its extraordinary reputation among the people in the Arabic countries, they continued on practicing this inherited job. The branch of this restaurant was officially opened in Amman/Jordan in 1988 and since that time, we have been serving this public inherit age of food in the same genuinely as it was served in Jaffa.

Once we noticed the approach and the fulfillment to our product and to accomplish our customer’s demands, we opened more branches. The expansion and the spreading laid upon a great mission to keep on this citizen trust, so we opened a factory that is well equipped with the best modern machines to prepare Hommus, Foul and Falafel in the best scientific manufacturing ways. The factories are supported with modern scientific laboratories and highly qualified human resources from food technologist to our practical experts.